Celtic Colours Walk Event Group Photo on the East Bay Hills Trail
Cal Thistle, Terry Crawley & Joe MacKinnon approaching the 5k turn around point.
The East Bay Hill Trails only obstacle was this small footbridge and Kathy Grant shows the rest of us how to cross with ease!
LuAnn & George McConnell, show us how to cross the bridge as a couple!
Judy Lorway & Elsie Buck
(L to R) Joe MacKinnon, George & LuAnn McConnell, Elsie Buck
George and LuAnn McConnell are from Joplin, Missouri; this is their 7th year attending Celtic Colours International Music Festival. 2008 has been their first Celtic Walks, they have participated in the CBIH Coxheath Hills walk on Saturday 11 Oct and have now completed the East Bay Hills, Sunday 12 Oct.