Sunday, July 18, 2010

Schooner Pond to Cape Perce


Cape Perce with Flint Island in the background



The walk out to Cape Perce was once again a great experience for all. Excellent views of Flint Island, a bird watchers delight, a rugged but scenic coastline.

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After the walk at Schooner Pond 17 members of the group went out to dinner in Port Morien at "Dock Y'ur Dory Restaurant and B&B.

Good meals and fabulous desserts! Photo was taken on the Patio deck overlooking Morien Harbour.

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July 18, 2010 Meeting Emily Forrest


Preparing to Meet Emily Forrest along Hwy 255 in front of the Former Heavy Water Plant, Glace Bay. Emily is walking the entire perimeter/coastline of Nova Scotia, approximately 3000kms.


Lloyd Tallman and George MacKinnon checking the weather before we start walking


Rollie greeting Emily Forrest and Wayne MacKay


Lloyd Tallman, Rollie Coombes, Emily Forrest & Wayne MacKay.

Wayne put in a total of 38km for the day.