Sunday, September 21, 2008

SEAL ISLAND 21 Sept 2008

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Signing up at the Start Point for the Seal Island Walk!

DSCF1071 (L) Kathy & Doug Grant, getting ready for the 10/15k walk event along the New Harris Road, on the far right Bill Hopkins, Shirley Pettigrew and Carol Hiscock are ready to roll.


DSCF1072 Along the road we find this lovely piece of art!

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The group taking a break at a shady area near the 10k turn around point.

DSCF1075 The more adventurous amongst us continue along the trail for the 15k mark.

DSCF1076 A man and his best friend take a break at the water hole.

 DSCF1077  Bill and Abbey on the New Harris Road. Sunday, 21 Sept. 2008.

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