Sunday, November 19, 2017

CBIH Annual Meeting, Saturday Nov.18,2017

The CB Island Hoppers held their Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 18,2017 at the Knox Church Hall at Blacketts Lake. The meeting was followed by a lovely luncheon  where by the members in attendance all brought something and as usual we had an over abundance of food! Once the meeting and lunch were completed, a number of our group headed out to  hike the Coxheath Hills & Trails  led by Marta Hood. Thanks to Martha for arranging the use of the hall for our meeting as well as sharing your expertise on this this Trail with our group! We all enjoyed a great day! The weather was fabulous for a fall hike. 
Photo Credits mainly thanks to Martha Hood☺
Everyone listening to President Cal

Just some of the food that awaits the conclusion of the meeting!

Decisions and plans for upcoming the upcoming year

Meeting & lunch completed...time to do what we do best! Walk!

Beautiful day to hit the trails

Waterfalls along the way

Marg is on the look-out!

Stopping to catch a breather!

Cal posing with the Rhinoceros! Great looking duo

Linda leading the way! 

Hope this nest up this high is not a true indication of how much snow we can expect!

Made it to the top...what a view!!

Off to the Cabin!

Martha telling us some history of the Trail!
Everyone enjoyed the little break...what a great spot! Soo much to offer!

Another beautiful site on the way down! 

Down...down ...down we go!!

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